Our team

We show you each of the people that work behind CMC projects.

Xavier Navarro

Xavier Navarro

Managing Director

Director and founder of CMC. After his outstanding time in the industry, he has continued to travel more than Willy Fog. When he's not in the office, he's composing songs on his Korg Kronos.

Isabel Martínez

Isabel Martínez

Financial Manager

Although those who work in finance are notorious for having no sense of humor, she is the exception that proves the rule.

Samuel Alarcón

Samuel Alarcón

Business Development

The other visible face of CMC. He negotiates with clients, with companies, with whoever is involved. Every Tuesday he arrives injured from playing football.

Isa Navarro

Isa Navarro

Art & Design Manager

She puts creativity and order with taste, and that is reflected in each of the programs. Artist by nature. She can create a ceramic essence burner, and also design a logo for you.

Sora Moreno

Sora Moreno

Art & Design Specialist

Geek of audiovisual and promotional material. Her passion for cinema and music are reflected in her personal and professional life.

Carlos Álvarez

Carlos Álvarez

Data Analyst

Data and analytics are his thing. He analyzes and interprets statistics of any program. He changed the bass for goalkeeper gloves.

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