What we do

Medical education for healthcare professionals sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry.

reunión de producción y de organización de proyectos

Medical education programs

At CMC we create medical education programs for health professionals and are sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry.

portátil con programa ARD Clinical Collection focus on Rheumatoid Arthritis

E-learning programs

Online medical education programs in e-learning format.

Development of scientific reviews or clinical cases with:

  • Learning objectives.
  • Key points. 
  • Commentary from an expert on the subject.
  • Self-assessment.

Additional sections that complement the course such as:

  • Suggested readings.
  • Multimedia material: podcasts, webinars, congress sessions.
  • Images of clinical cases.
  • Video interviews with experts.
portátil con programa ARD Clinical Collection focus on Rheumatoid Arthritis
Estantería con muestras de las monografías de estos últimos años

Printed and/or digital monographs

Design and layout of monographs with articles and scientific reviews on a therapeutic area. 

With a written and/or video expert commentary providing their point of view and bringing the content to the local context.

Estantería con muestras de las monografías de estos últimos años

Do you want to know all the benefits of our programs?

Our courses are aimed at health professionals whose objective is to update their knowledge in a specific therapeutic area or obtain continuing education credits granted by the National Health System.

Our collaborators

Meet all our collaborators

Our results support us

A veces los datos valen más que mil palabras. Te mostramos algunos que pueden ser de tu interés en relación a nuestros programas de educación médica. 

Programs accredited by the NHS
Databases of 14 medical specialties
Societies and scientific institutions with which we collaborate
Active students

Sponsor or collaborate with an education program

Create an education program in your therapeutic area based on official content from medical societies.

  • We take care of the whole process. 
  • Position yourself as a reference in your area.
  • Reach more doctors.
  • Have exclusive content in your area.